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The Coolest Technique of Fiores Sword? | Medieval Longsword Disarm
INSTRUCTIONAL | Fiores sword in one hand Covers and Plays & in two hands Posta Frontale
Turns of The Sword in around 3 minutes | Exiles Vlogs | Fiore dei Liberi
Applying Plays - Fiores Sword in One Hand | Exiles Vlogs
HEMA longsword training tips: The 12 guards/posta of Fiore dei Liberi
Fiore Dagger Master Drill
Akademia Szermierzy - Fior di Battaglia (medieval longsword techniques)
HEMA Fiore Longsword | EXILES VLOGS | Wrapping an opponents Sword and Arms
Can you “Beat” from the Right? | Fiore Medieval Longsword
20 Medieval Longsword Techniques in 2 Minutes | Student Drills | Fiore dei Liberi
Fiore Sword In Armour | Posta Basics in 3 Minutes | Exiles Vlogs
Fiore Favorites - Longsword Techniques Swap